Create a Beautiful Sunset Effect in Lightroom [Presets Included]

It’s difficult to capture the actual golden sunset in a photo. First of all, it’s rare to find a golden sunset. Even if you find it, your camera’s auto WB messes up everything. It reduces all the yellow tint from the photo. Even if you turn off Auto WB, the camera still doesn’t capture the actual golden sunset. But, you and I have Lightroom where we can create a sunset effect. So, I bring to you the best tutorial on creating beautiful sunset effect in Lightroom.

Let’s start with the basics. A golden sunset photo has a golden or yellowish tint. This tint basically covers the Highlight region. The shadow part is covered by a blue tint. We’re going to do the same. The main game changer is going to be the Split Toning and White Balance.

I wrote a tutorial on creating a sunset in Lightroom back in 2013 but it’s 2019 now. Who cares about 2013?

Let’s begin the tutorial. But, before we begin, I want to show you the before and after.



After 1


After 2

Final 2


If you like watching videos, here’s the video tutorial for you.


Step 1: Create a Sunset Effect in Lightroom using Split Toning

The first thing we need to do is to change the Split Toning. Use below values.


This will give a beautiful tint to your photo.


Step 2: Enhance the Sunset with White Balance in Lightroom

Now that we have the color we are looking for, time to enhance the sunset effect.

Sunsets have a yellowish magenta tint. We’re going to create the same tint.

Increase temp to 41 and tint to 56.


This will further enhance the photo and give you a natural looking sunset effect.


Step 3: Adjust the Tone

Time to change the tone. I am going to change the tone according to my image. The values of the tone sliders may be different for yours.

You don’t need to copy my values if you understand what you’re trying to achieve. Your goal is to reduce the highlights by a small fraction and shadow by a big fraction. This is because the photo is not properly exposed during a sunset. You don’t want the shadowy region to be properly exposed.

I am going to use these values because they suit my image. These may or may not suit yours.


Here’s the image.


Bonus Step

I also have split toning values for a purple sunset.


and here’s the White Balance value


And here’s the image that you get.

Final 2.jpg

Create Instagram X-Pro II Filter in Photoshop

Lately, I have started posting more on Instagram Filters because I see a rise in people who want to create Instagram filters in Photoshop. More and more users are reading Instagram filters on my website every month. Today, we’re going to see how to create Instagram X-Pro II filter in Photoshop.

This tutorial is a part of Creating Instagram Filters in Photoshop.

And yes, don’t forget to download the action.

Download the Instagram Charmes Filter Photoshop action – click here to download the action. It will scroll you down to the bottom of the page.

Let’s begin the tutorial. But before we begin, I want to show how the final image would look like.






If you like watching videos, here’s the video for you.

Step 1: Create a Black Vignette

Instagram X-Pro II filter has a black vignette. So, we’re going to create one. There are many ways to create a black vignette and we’re going to use the easiest way. Yes, we’re going to use the inbuilt Vignette slider in Camera RAW.

Duplicate the layer by pressing Cmd + J / Ctrl + J.


Go to Filter > Camera Raw Filter or press Cmd + Shift + A / Ctrl + Shift + A.


Go to the Effects tab. Decrease the Amount slider to -70. Press OK.


This will create a nice black vignette.


Step 2: Add Multiple Photo Filters

Instagram X-Pro II filter has a greenish yellow tint. Guess what? We’re going to give a similar tint to our photo.

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Photo Filter.


Change the Filter to Green and increase the density to 42.


This will give a nice green tint to our photo.


We’re going to give a yellow tint now. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Photo Filter.


Change the Filter to Yellow and increase the density to 77.


With an addition to the green filter that we added earlier in this step, this will give you a greenish yellow tint.


Step 3: Decrease the Saturation

I personally feel that the image is very saturated. I think that we need to decrease some saturation.

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Vibrance.


Decrease the saturation to -27.


This will desaturate the colors and give you a nice looking retro effect.


Step 4: Add Some Noise

The last step is to add some noise.

Create a new layer by pressing Cmd + Shift + N / Ctrl + Shift + N or by going to Layer > New > Layer.


Name it Noise.


We’re going to fill black color in this layer. Go to Edit > Fill.


Change the Content to Black. Press OK.


This will fill tha layer (and also the image) with black color.


Change the blend mode to Lighten.

Lighten blend mode compares each pixel of the current layer and the layer below it, and shows the pixels that are lighter. If you want to know more about Lighten blend mode, read the lighten subtopic (point #7) on blend modes in Photoshop.


This will bring back the original color of the photo.


Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise.


Change the distribution to Gaussian.

The amount depends on the size of the image. My photo is 5700 pixels wide. So, I am choosing 30%. If your image is bigger then choose a higher amount. If it’s smaller then choose a lower amount.

For example, if your image is 3000 pixels wide, you may want to go with 20.

Press OK.


This is how the image should look. The goal was to add the noise but made them barely visible.


Download The Photoshop Action For Instagram Charmes Filter

If you’re interested in the Photoshop action for the Instagram Charmes filter, download it from the below link.

Download Instagram X-Pro II Filter Action for Photoshop

Create Instagram Charmes Filter in Photoshop [Action Included]

filtered photoshop tool

Instagram is growing day by day and so are the number of Instagram filters. I see that Instagram regularly adds new filters in its app. LoFi is still one of the most popular filters in Instagram, but there are other filters also that people use. Today we’re going to see how to create Instagram Charmes filter in Photoshop.

Chames filter gives a retro look to the photo which basically means desaturating the image, adding a yellow tint, and adding some noise. We’re going to do the same thing in Photoshop. But, we’re going to do it in a better way.

And yes, don’t forget to download the action.

Download the Instagram Charmes Filter Photoshop action – click here to download the action. It will scroll you down to the bottom of the page.

Before we go ahead, let me show you the before and after image.






If you like watching a video, here’s the video for you.

Step 1: Reduce the colors

The very first thing that you and I are going to do is to reduce the colors. This is the first step to give a retro look to an image.

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Vibrance. Reduce the saturation to -55.

If your layer panel is not opned then press F7 to open or you can go to Window > Layers.


Step 2: Give Yellow tint

The second step in giving a retro look is to give a yellow tint. This is a very important step in creating Instagram Charmes filter in Photoshop.

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Photo Filter. Change the Filter to Yellow and increase the denisty to 50%. Make sure that Preserve Luminosity is turned on otherwise your photo will get dark.


This will give a good looking yellow tint to your photo.


Step 3: Decrease the Contrast

The next step in creating Instagram Charmes filter in Photoshop is to reduce the contrast.

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Brightness/Contrast. Reduce the contrast to -41.


This will reduce the harsh contrast in your image.


Step 4: Give Magenta Tint

The next step is to give magenta tint.

Go to Filter > New Adjustment Layer > Photo Filter. Change the filter to Magenta and increase the desity to 25%. Make sure that Preserve Luminosity is turned on otherwise your photo will get dark.


This will add a magenta tint to your image.


Step 5: Complete Creating Instagram Charmes Filter in Photoshop by Adding Noise.

The last thing that we need to do it to add noise.

Create a new layer by pressing Cmd + Shift + N / Ctrl + Shift + N or go to Layer > New > Layer. Name that layer Noise.


Change the foreground to black. You can also press to make black as your foreground color.


Press Opt + Delete / Alt + Backspace to fill the newly created layer with the foreground color which is black.


Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise.


Change the Distribution to Gaussian and turn on Monochromatic.

The Amount depends on how big your image is. My image is 1920 by 1080 pixels and I am going to choose 10%. If your image is lesser in dimension, choose a lower value and if your image is larger in dimension then choose a bigger value.

For example, if your image is 3600 pixels wide then you may want to go with 20%.

Press OK


This will add Noise to your photo.


Change the blend mode to Screen.

Screen blend mode looks at each channel’s color information and multiplies the inverse of the blend and base colors. The resulting color is always a lighter color. Screening with black leaves the color unchanged. Screening with white produces white. The effect is similar to projecting multiple photographic slides on top of each other.


This is all, guys.

Here’s The Photoshop Action For Instagram Charmes Filter

If you’re interested in the Photoshop action for the Instagram Charmes filter, download it from the below link.

Download Instagram Charmes Filter Action for Photoshop

[Action Included] Create Instagram Perpetua Filter in Photoshop

This tutorial is going to be a short one. I used only three adjustment layers to create Instagram Perpetua filter in Photoshop.

Last time I wrote on creating Instagram Aden filter in Photoshop. You may want to check that out also. And, here are all the tutorials on Instagram filters that I have written till now.

Perpetua filter reduces the Red color and increases the Cyan color in the photo. It also increases the highlights and shadows which ultimately decreases the contrast. We’re going to do the same thing with Photoshop.

If you want to download the action in Photoshop, you can do it with the below link.

Download the action – click here to download the action. It will scroll you down to the bottom of the page.



Photo by Đàm Tướng Quân from Pexels



So, let’s begin with today’s tutorial.

Step 1 – Reduce the Redness

We’re going to reduce the redness with the Color Balance Adjustment Layer

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Color Balance.

Change the Tone to Midtones. Drag the first slider towards the left to -46.


Change the Tone to Highlights. Drag the first slider to -23.


Step 2 – Reduce the Darkness

Time to reduce the darkness. We’re going to use Levels for this.

Go to Layers > New Adjustment Layers > Levels. Drag the bottommost slider from the left towards the right till the number 23.


Step 3 – Brighten the Shadows

Now, we’re going to brighten the shadows with the Curves adjustment layer.

Go to Layers > New Adjustment Layers > Curves. Make the curve look like the below screenshot.


And, we’re done with this tutorial.

Here’s The Photoshop Action For Instagram Perpetua Filter

If you’re interested in the Photoshop action for the Instagram Aden filter, download it from the below link.

Download Instagram Perpetua Filter Action for Photoshop

Here you go again with the final photo.



[Action Included] Create Instagram Aden Filter in Photoshop

Instagram has secretly launched new filters for your posts. I didn’t receive any notification in my app. I saw a few new filters when I was posting a photo. So, guess what? We’re going to write a tutorial on achieving those filters in Photoshop. Today, we’re going to learn how to create Instagram Aden filter in Photoshop.

Achieving Instagram effects are very easy in Photoshop. You don’t need to use any brush. Just a few adjustment layers will do the job.

I am also going to use just a few adjustment layers to achieve Instagram Aden filter in Photoshop. These will be basics like Brightness, Photoshop Filter, Hue and Saturation, and Gradient Map.

Download the action – click here to download the action

Before I proceed with the tutorial, let me show you the before and after photos.






I analyzed that the Instagram Aden filter adds greenish tint to the dark areas and bluish red tint in the light areas. Overall, it also reduces the contrast and decreases the brightness by a few points. Let’s do the same.


If you like watching videos, here’s the video for you.

Step 1 – Add a green tint

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Photo Filter.

Change the Filter to “Green” and increase the Density to 57%. Make sure that “Preserve Luminosity” is turned on.


This will add a green tint to the image.


Step 2 – Add a faded blue tint

Again, we’re going to add a tint with the Photo Filter.

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layers > Photo Filter.

Choose “Cooling Filter (82)” this time, and increase the Density to 8%. Make sure that “Preserve Luminosity” is turned on.


This will add a faded blue tint to the image.


Step 3 – Change the color of highlights and shadows

Time to add green tint to the dark areas and red tint to the light areas.

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Gradient Map. A panel will open. Click anywhere inside the box where a gradient is present. You can refer the below screenshot. There’s a chance that you’re seeing a different than Black and White. It doesn’t matter. Click on the box.


Click on the Red to Green gradient. Now, the red color is present at the left which means that the dark areas of the photo will be colored with the red. Similarly, bright areas will be colored with the green. Press OK.


Click on “Reverse”. This will reverse the gradient. Now, dark areas will be colored with green and bright areas will be colored with red.


Change the Blend Mode to Color Dodge. Decrease the opacity to 49%. Press F7 to open the layer panel if it’s not opened.


This is how your photo will look.


Step 4 – Time to decrease the highlights in the photo

The photo is quite bright. You can see that the sky a bit overexposed than the Instagram Aden Filter standard. We’re going to tone it down.

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels. Drag the slider that is highlighted in the below screenshot towards left. I am going to stop at the point where the reading is 244.


The change would be very subtle. Here’s the image.


Step 5 – Decrease the contrast

Almost all Instagram filter decreases the contrast. Instagram Aden filter also does.

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Brightness and Contrast. Decrease the contrast to -39 and increase the brightness to 9.


Your photo should look like this.


Step 6 – Add a blue color

Here’s the last step. Time to give a blue tint to the photo.

Go to Layers > New Adjustment Layer > Hue and Saturation. Click on the “Colorize”. Increase the Hue to 241 and increase the saturation to 30.


Decrease the opacity in the layer panel to 14%. Press F7 to open the layer panel if it’s not opened.


Your photo will look like this.


This is all guys.

Here’s the Photoshop Action for Instagram Aden Filter

If you’re interested in the Photoshop action for the Instagram Aden filter, download it from the below link.
Download Instagram Aden Filter Action for Photoshop


Here’s the final photo again for you.



Create Instagram Crema Filter in Photoshop

Hey, folks! How are you doing? It’s been a while since I am writing only Instagram Filters related tutorials. Today’s is no different. Today I am going to show you how to create Instagram Crema filter in Photoshop. Like most of the Instagram filters, Crema is not much different. With the help of few adjustment tools, we can replicate a filter as good as Instagram Crema Filter.

Throughout the tutorial, we’re going to use adjustment layers. Every layer has its own importance and plays a vital role. We are going to use Levels, Photo Filter, Brightness/Contrast, and Vibrance.

So let’s begin the tutorial. But before we begin, I’d like to show you how the final result would look like.



Step 1: First Remove Colorcast

The first thing we need to do is to remove colorcast if your image has any. This is a very much crucial step, otherwise your final result may get imbalanced. The best method I know to remove colorcast is the one with the Levels.

Open your image in Photoshop. Go to Layer>Adjustment Layer>Levels. Now change the channel from RGB to Green. Now you would see a slider with three buttons just above 0, 1.00 and 255. Try to place the black and white buttons with the starting and ending of the histogram. To put it in simpler words, your black button should be placed exactly where histogram starts and your white button should be placed exactly where the histogram ends.


Now change the channel to Blue. Do the same.


Switch to Red channel and do the same. Now you should not have any colorcast or tint present.

Step 2: Add Warm Effect

Now we are going to add yellow colorcast to give warm effect.

Go to Layer>Adjustment Layer>Photo Filter. Change the filter to Warming Filter (85). Increase the density by 56%.3.jpg

Step 3: Add Green Colorcast

Again go to Layer>Adjustment Layer>Photo Filter. Change the filter to green. Increase the density by 40%.


Step 4: Reduce Saturation

Don’t you think that photo is very much vivid? Let’s decrease the saturation. Go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Vibrance.

Reduce the saturation to -31.


Step 5: Reduce Contrast

Time to reduce contrast. Go to Layer>Adjustment Layer>Brightness and Contrast.

Reduce the contrast to -50.


Still there’s too much contrast. We can simply duplicate the layer we just created. Press Ctrl+J/Cmd+J to duplicate a layer.


Now it’s looking perfectly like Instagram Crema filter. Don’t you think so?

Let’s see the final picture again.


I hope that you like this tutorial.

Check out my other tutorials on Instagram also.

Please support TrickyPhotoshop by sharing the tutorial with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter.

Create Instagram Slumber Effect in Photoshop

Hey, folks! How are you all? I hope you are having a great weekend. You might remember the article that wrote last time i.e. Creating Instagram Juno Effect in Photoshop. This time, I am going to write another tutorial on Instagram effect. How about writing on How to Create Instagram Slumber Effect in Photoshop?

When you have used Instagram Slumber effect, you must have noticed that it generally gives yellow to an image and reduces the contrast but it manipulates an image much more than that. It adds a vignette, reduces colors, adds black & whitish effect (not much visible though).

So let’s dive into the steps. But before we proceed, I’d like to show you the final image.



Step 1: Reduce Contrast

The first we need to do is the reduction of contrast. Go to Image>Adjustments>Brightness/Contrast. Reduce the contrast to -50.


We still have too much contrast. Let’s duplicate the layer so that our contrast minimizes more with least effort. Press Cmd+J/Ctrl+J to duplicate a layer.


Step 2: Let’s Play with Adobe Camera RAW

Time to stack all the layers onto a new layer. Press Cmd+Opt+Shift+E/Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E for that. This will create a new layer at the top.


Go to Filter>Camera RAW filter. Give your image a nice and soothing effect. This can only be done if you don’t have too much contrast.

Don’t close the Camera RAW now.


Step 3: Add White Vignette

Let’s add a white vignette to the image. Keeping the Camera RAW opened, head over to “fx” tab. Add a nice looking white vignette.

Change the Style to “Paint Overlay”. Sliding the Amount slider to the right adds white vignette and sliding it to left adds a black vignette.


Step 4: Add Warm Effect

Time to give warm effect to the image.

Go to Image>Adjustments>Photo Filter. Change the filter to Warming Filter 85 and increase the density to 37%.


Step 5: Let’s give Black and Whitish Effect

Go to Image>Adjustments>Black and White. Now you need not do anything but change the blend mode to Overlay and Reduce opacity to 38%.


Step 6: Final Step of How to Create Instagram Slumber Filter in Photoshop

Time to decrease the Vibrance again. Go to Image>Adjustments>Vibrance.

Decrease it to -37.


And now we’re done.

Now that you have enjoyed this tutorial, the next thing you can do is to share it on Facebook and Twitter.

Here’s the final image again.
