Merge Multiple Exposures Photos in Photoshop

Hey guys! Today we’re going to learn a bit different than what we usually learn at TrickyPhotoshop. It is very common in daytime when you take photos, either the background gets overexposed or the foreground gets underexposed. Suppose you want take photo of a tuscany field and beautiful clouds are there to add beauty to your photos. Time is 1 PM and light is harsh. You adjust the Shutter speed so that field is properly exposed but you realize that sky is overexposed. Now you adjust shutter speed so that sky is properly exposed but later you realize that field is underexposed. There’s no ideal adjustment present in the camera that makes both background foreground perfectly exposed, and this is bothering you because you like your photos to be perfect. Fortunately we have an option to merge multiple exposures photos in Photoshop.

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to merge different exposures photos in Photoshop. This tutorials require you to have at least two different exposures of same photo where in one foreground is perfectly lit and in another background is perfectly lit.

Before we go any further, I would like to show you two initials and one final photos.

Perfectly Exposed Foreground


Perfectly Exposed Background


Perfectly Exposed Foreground and Background


As I used a stock image, I needed to alter same image to create two different photos where one has perfectly exposed foreground and other has perfectly exposed background.

Let’s begin the tutorial

Step 1: Select the Sky in Perfectly Exposed Foreground Photo

We need to replace the overexposed sky with perfectly exposed sky. For that we need to first take it out.

I am going to use Magic Wand Tool to select the sky. You could activate it either from the Tool Panel or press Shift+W again and again until it comes.

Now drag your mouse to select the sky.


Step 2: Refine the Selection

Invert the selection to select the foreground. You could do it by pressing Cmd+Shift+I/Ctrl+Shift+I. 

We are going to use Refine Edge tool to make our selection near to perfect. Go to Select>Refine Edge.

As the photo is pretty much large, I am dragging the radius all the way to 250 pixels. Make sure your Output To is set to New Layer with Layer Mask.


This will create a new layer in the layer panel.


Step 3: Place the Perfectly Exposed Background Photo below the top layer.

Press Cmd+O/Ctrl+O to open a new photo in Photoshop. Browse the photo and open it. Press Cmd+A/Ctrl+A to select the whole image and Cmd+C/Ctrl+C to copy it.


Step 4: Merge Multiple Exposures Photos in Photoshop

Time to paste the recently copied image.

Press Cmd+V/Ctrl+V to paste it onto the image that has perfectly exposed foreground.

Move the layer to below the layer that has perfectly exposed foreground.


And now we’re done with this tutorial.

Here’s the final image again.


I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial.

Please support TrickyPhotoshop by sharing this tutorial with your friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

Create Instagram Clarendon Effect in Photoshop

Hey guys, again I am back with my series on achieving Instagram effects using Photoshop. This time I am going to create Instagram Clarendon Effect in Photoshop. Instagram has become quite popular after Facebook bought it for a massive amount of 1 billion dollars. Turned out that the investment was quite strategic as the present value of Instagram is 30 billion dollars.

The best or worst part of Instagram is its exclusivity to its app. You cannot use its filter if you’re not using its app. The only way left to you is to create it. So let’s create one.

Before we proceed, I’d like to show how our image will look at the end.



I hope that you like it. Let’s begin.

Step 1: Find the Accent Color

You might have noticed that Clarendon filter adds a tint of the color that has maximum presence in the image. Our job is to find out that color. The best way to do that is by blurring the image all the way to its extreme.

Open the image. Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Turn the slider all the way right to 1000 pixels.


Now activate Eyedropper tool by pressing I. Sample the color by clicking on the color.


Click on the foreground color.


Copy the HEX color code by pressing Cmd+C/Ctrl+C.


STEP 2: Add Tint of Accent Color

Go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Photo Filter.

Turn on the color (highlighted by red box) and then paste the HEX color code you just copied in the area inside Yellow box.


Drag the Photo Filter slider all the way to 100%. Make sure that “Preserve Luminosity” is turned on.

STEP 3: Add Saturation

Go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Vibrance.

Increase the saturation by 10-15%.


STEP 4: Create Instagram Clarendon Effect in Photoshop

Press Cmd+Opt+Shift+E/Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E to stack all the layers into a new layer. This will not alter the image. It will just create a new layer at the top of the layer panel.


Go to Filter>Camera RAW filter. Navigate to the fx tab and decrease the Amount in Post Crop Vignette to -50%. Press OK

This will add a nice looking vignette to the image.


And now we’re done. Here’s the final photo.



I hope that you like this tutorial.

Please support TrickyPhotoshop by sharing this tutorial with your family and friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

Add Eyeliner in Photoshop

Hey guys, welcome to my another tutorial on Photoshop. You went to a party and your wife forgot to put on eyeliner. After looking at the images, she realized that she had made a terrible mistake. Her eyes are looking completely plain in the photos. Now she can’t upload those adorable photos on Instagram because of one small mistake. Fortunately, we have something in Photoshop that can save her soul. So let’s begin our today’s tutorial on How to Add Eyeliner in Photoshop.

Before we begin, I’d like to show you how our final image will look like.

Now that you’ve seen the final image, let’s begin with the tutorial.

Step 1: Download Eyeliner

Download a PNG image of eyeliner.

Download it

You need to save the above image in order to proceed. Right click on the image and save it.

Step 2: Copy Eyeliner

Open the image in Photoshop. Open the Layer Panel by pressing F7. Hold down Cmd/Ctrl key and click on the icon shown on the layer panel.


Now press Cmd+C/Ctrl+C to copy the image.

Step 3: Add Eyeliner in Photoshop

Open the image where eyeliner needs to be added.


We need to move the eyeliner to the desired place. We could use any type of move tool but I am using my favrouite, Free Transform Tool. Press Cmd+T/Ctrl+T to activate it. Resize and place the image on her eye. You don’t have to be accurate here. Placing it perfectly will be done in the next step.


Step 4: Transform Eyeliner

To make the eyeliner skewer, hold down Cmd/Ctrl key. Make sure that Free Transform Tool in still activated. You’ll notice that cursor will change to white. Now drag middle right point to make the eyeliner skewer.


You need to do it couple of times to get a perfect picture.

Step 5: Duplicate Eyeliner

Duplicate the layer by pressing Cmd+J/Ctrl+J.

Go to Edit>Transform>Flip Horizontal.


Step 6: Complete the Image

Once again use Free Transform Tool and place the flipped eyeliner on the other eye.


And now you’re done with the image.



I hope that you like the image.

Please support TrickyPhotoshop by sharing this image with your family and friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

See you in my next tutorial.