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Remove Blemishes using Photoshop | TrickyPhotoshop


Clone Stamp Tool also works like healing brush tool. You first need to define your source. So hold down Alt/Opt to define your source.


Now paint over the dark spot to remove that. Now you can see there are some flaws. The newly created skin texture did not blend so perfectly with the existing skin texture.


To fix this problem I am again going to use healing brush tool. Simply define your source and paint all over the spot. A question might have arisen in your mind that why didn’t we use healing brush tool to remove the dark spot. Well the perfect answer to this question is “try out yourself”.


As you can see in the above image that now the skin texture are blended pretty much perfectly.

And guys we are done now.

Read my next tutorial where I will be talking about Softening of Skin Using High Pass Filter in Photoshop.

Thank you for reading this article. Hopefully we’ll meet again in four days.

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